Thank you, and goodbye. Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor.
昨天剛看完今年的 Doctor Who 聖誕節特別篇的時候心情好悶。
聖誕節不是要開心的嘛!BBC 搞得大家這麼悲傷是為什麼?(淚)
對於 Matt Smith 的離開老早就做好心理準備,但是真正看到的時候還是沮喪。
人,還是會想抓著熟悉的東西不放... 希望自己喜愛的一切永遠圍繞在身邊。
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.
It' all just disappears, doesn't it?
Everything you are, gone in a moment.
Like a breath on a mirror.
Any moment now, he's coming.
Who's coming?
The Doctor.
You... you are the Doctor.
Yep. And I always will be.
But times change... and so must I.
We all change... when you think about it.
We're all different people all through our lives.
And that's OK, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this.
Not one day.
I swear.
I will always remember when the Doctor was me.
ps. 本來想趁著明年去英國的時候去看 Matt Smith 的音樂劇「美國殺人魔 American Psycho」,結果全部賣完就算了,還只演到 2/1。這樣我就看不到了啊~~~ 桑心...。拜託,請加演到我去倫敦的日子Orz.